「じくうをこえてあいにいくよ」Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6" N 134 ° 03'19.7 "E"
神饌を見立てて Inspired by essence of "shinsen(sacred food)
アートプロジェクト | Art project | 近藤美恵子|Artist Mieko Kondo
Mieko Kondo, Socially engaged art project, Ogijima Kagawa 2016 (Individual project)
In order to prepare the artworks inspired by essence of "shinsen(sacred food)", I got blessed food from the sea and the earth and made dried vegetables and dried seaweed which benefited from the sunlight and the sea wind in front of the sea.

Mieko Kondo work 2016, Ogijima, Materials of 'artworks', vegetables and seaweed sun dried homemade
"artworks" that ate with acquaintance who participated in helping the “Matsuri: Ogijima Taisai 2016” (After Yoimiya, at the of representative’s home of Toyotamahime Shrine and Kamo Shrine in Ogijima)
「豊玉姫の出産」〜 天草と八粒の豆 みるくと蜜のしろっぷ、むらさきの雫添え 〜
"Brought treasures into the terrestrial world through Toyotamahime"
~ Tengusa and eight beans, milk and honey, accompanied by Murasaki's drops ~

Mieko Kondo work inspired by essence of "shinsen(sacred food)" 2016, Ogijima
「うみかぜに包まれた夏野菜」〜 天日干し島野菜のソテー 〜
"Combination platter island vegetables wrapped in gentle light as well as mother's love"
~ dried vegetables and dried seaweed which benefited from the sunlight and the sea wind ~

Mieko Kondo work inspired by essence of "shinsen(sacred food)" 2016, Ogijima
「きみとぼく おむすびそなえ 直ぐに会う おほみたからを本とする 瑞穂の実る美し国」
〜 あおさと梅を纏う米むすび 〜
"Integrate with rice spirit (coexistence with nature)"
〜marriage of sea and earth〜

Mieko Kondo work inspired by essence of "shinsen(sacred food)" 2016, Ogijima