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「じくうをこえてあいにいくよ」Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6" N 134 ° 03'19.7 "E" 

アートプロジェクト | Art project | 近藤美恵子|Artist Mieko Kondo

 I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6" N 134 ° 03'19.7 "E

Mieko Kondo, Socially engaged art project, Ogijima Kagawa 2016 (Individual project)

Think about things that sharing deep emotion


2016 summer Ogijima sea and earth and sky

the sea looks charming is all because of the sky in morning glow.


If personal interpretation is permitted, it can be said that rituals contain elements of art.


2016/8/6 男木島大祭 宵宮 加茂神社 神楽舞奉納

Ogijima Taisai“Rituals“Yoimiya”Kamo Shrine , Kagura Mai (ceremonial dance) praying that it is a peaceful world like the sea of morning calm to the Kami(including Yamasachihiko who is husband of Toyotamahime) of heaven and earth

2016 summer Ogijima , the morning calm sea wrapped in gentle light as well as mother's love


"Art" has that something which moves human being.  It is a return to human nature.

 I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6" N 134 ° 03'19.7 "E

2016/8/5 男木島大祭前夜 豊玉姫神社鳥居前

Ogijima Taisai eve“Rituals”Toyatamahime Shrine torii

Shishimai and Shishinaburi (Dedicate dance and music to purify places)

あかだまは をさへひかれど しらたまの きみがよそひし たふとくありけり

Mieko Kondo work 2016 Ogijima,“ I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6” N 134 ° 03'19.7 “E”

「感動」とは =「心の琴線に触れる」ことであり、誰もが備えている神聖な部分に触れるということ。

"move deep emotion" is that to "touch the heart chord" and touching the sacred parts that everyone has.

pieces of drawing

2016 Ogijima , sea and brilliant sunlight in late afternoon


When "deep emotion" disappears, We lose the deity inside of us (We lose sight of ourself) get caught in a negative spiral.

Mieko Kondo work 2016 Ogijima, piece of drawing,“ I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6” N 134 ° 03'19.7 “E”


Imagine that Shinto philosophy  "A wide variety of deity", "the existence of deity can be found in everything", means that part of the deep emotion (deity) is dwelling in anything.

2016 Summer , Old trees with growing moss in dignified atmosphere, Kamo Shrine


And when we share deep emotion, that is, when we find the same deep emotion inside our opponent, "The bond of love" are born, countless the bond of love are connected.

Mieko Kondo work, Sweets blessed from sea and earth , 2016“ I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6” N 134 ° 03'19.7 “E”


I am convinced that such a spiral will connect the world.

Mieko Kondo work, 2016 Ogijima, piece of drawing,

“ I am going beyond time and space to see you, Portal Access 20160806 34 ° 25'14.6” N 134 ° 03'19.7 “E”

© Copyright Mieko Kondo.
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